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Paver Sealing in Naples, FL

Many homeowners pave their driveways and sidewalks and neglect them. But the tropical Florida climate can ruin unprotected surfaces. Clean & Seal Curb Appeal offers a solution: paver solution. Our Naples, FL-based company can provide the sealing your driveway needs to resist stains, weed growth, and more for up to three years. More importantly, we offer a truly affordable service. For just $299, you can avoid time and effort spent on rectifying unsightly issues on your property. We have helped customers protect their homes since 2019 and can’t wait to work with you on your next project.

before & after paver sealing

The Benefits of Investing in Our Paver Sealant

We use a high-quality sealant that guarantees results. You can count on it to produce the same wet-look and enhancement as solvent-based sealers but in an eco-friendly package. We have searched far and wide for an innovative waterborne sealant for concrete, natural stone, stamped concrete, and more. We are proud to offer the best sealant on the market.

Benefits of Sealing Your Pavers

Less Weed Growth & Anthills

If you constantly battle weeds and anthills on your driveway or sidewalk, consider investing in paver sealing. You can take the time spent on ripping out weeds and use it somewhere more productive.

More Protection From Water & Tire Marks

Water resistance is essential to paver sealing. So is tire mark prevention. Not only does our sealant positively impact the spaces between pavers, but it also protects the surfaces.

Stain Prevention

Many things can permanently stain your driveway, including oil. Paver sealing can help prevent oil and fluid leaks from causing long-term aesthetic and structural damage to your driveway.

Florida Weatherproof

Most paved surfaces are porous. Therefore, water and erosion are significant problems – especially in our state. Paver sealing is a must in a state that experiences rain and sun in equal measures.

Years of Experience Translates to Superior Results

We have been in the industry for years and have applied our knowledge of sealants and other home improvement techniques to every job we complete. We firmly believe in the importance of our services. Even the smallest investments can significantly impact the look, feel, and structural integrity of your paved surfaces. You can make an impression on guests, enhance curb appeal, and improve property value with one choice.

Clean & Seal Curb Appeal


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

For the Real Deal Call Clean & Seal Curb Appeal